150 let šolstva v Tunjicah

Letos v Tunjicah obeležujemo 150-letnico šolstva. Guljenja klopi, veselja in kdaj tudi joka. Ob tej priložnosti je bila včeraj ob šoli prireditev, ki jo je nekoliko pokvaril močan veter. Škoda. Vseeno pa smo videli (in slišali) Tunjiški oktet, igrico otrok tunjiške šole in plesni nastop. Igro starejših pa je prekinilo prej omenjeno poslabšanje vremena. Ko…


Canon 5D mark II vs. Canon 1D (classic) – PART ONE

I made a decision - I bought used Canon 1D (classic). After some days it is time to write down some observations and compare this old monster to 5D mark II.This "battle" will be in two parts - the first one with more writing and second part with more samples.We all know what to expect…


Exposing to the right

Exposing to the right is the technique of pushing histogram to the right side. Why use this technique? Well - it is known that we can get the best results out of the digital image sensor if we use this technique. In old days (with film) photographers underexpose a little to get more saturated photo.…