Volkswagen e-Golf (letnik 2017, drugo testiranje)

Po dobrem letu se je spet ponudila priložnost za preizkus avtomobila, ki me je ob prvem srečanju res navdušil. V prispevku ne bom ponavljal stvari, ki sem jih že zapisal v prvem testu.Zunanjoste-Golf se od običajnega golfa zunaj razlikuje le malenkostno. Še najbolj opazna so posebna (aerodinamična) kolesa, sicer pa je dimenzijsko in oblikovno kopija običajnih…


How to get more accurate optical (wrist) heart rate readings …

Optical (or wrist) heart rate technology measures heart rate via LEDs that track blood flow under your skin. The accuracy of measurement is influenced by a number of factors and varies by person, their individual differences and by sport. In this article, I will write some tips to get the most accurate measurements from your device. It…

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Polar M430 – Optical HR Sensor Accuracy – Part 2/2

As you can read in this article, I have a lot of problems with Polar M430. To be more precise the problem is with an optical HR sensor. The mentioned article has many readers every day, so the logical conclusion is that I'm not alone with bad optical HR readings.After a mentioned article was published…


TomTom Speed Cameras Review (TomTom AmiGO)

INFO (September 2022): This review is somehow outdated. The application has some changes and is renamed to TomTom AmiGO. But it is quite similar and even more interesting in the latest versions. I can also invite you to an article: TomTom GO Navigation – the most annoying things (October 2023) where I discuss TomTom GO.…


Posodobljena vremenska postaja v Tunjicah

Po šestih letih je prišel čas za novo vremensko postajo:!!KLIKNI!!V zadnjih mesecih je bilo kar nekaj težav z Oregon WMR200: odpovedal je senzor za dež, senzor za veter je imel svoje muhe, senzor za temperaturo pa je baterije požiral kot za stavo. Sodu je izbilo dno dejstvo, da sem v zadnjih tednih dobil več prošenj…