AI One Shot, AI Servo, AI Focus

Latest e-mail about photography was about these modes. On DSLR Canon cameras you can find three AF modes: One-Shot AF, AI Servo and AI Focus. What is the difference between them?Note: I will use term “focus button” – what button you use for focusing depends on your camera settings. You can use shutter button, *…


Canon Image Stabilizer (IS)

Some words about Canon Image Stabilizer Lens (IS in short). Other manufactures have similar technology, but with different names (for example: VR (Nikon), OS (Sigma)). Some manufactures use stabilizer in their camera (not in lens). This sounds pretty good while we have stabilizer at capturing with all lenses. Although idea isn’t bad, this stabilization isn’t…


Canon flash system – the simple way

Using Canon flash system (camera and flash) can be a nightmare for someone who don't have at least some basic knowledge.When using Canon flash system you should know two important things:1. Camera meters just ambient light. Ambient light is whatever light comes thru the lens WITHOUT the flash. Whatever you set on camera are for…


Čiščenje senzorja na DSLR

Zakaj sploh čistiti senzor? Kako ga očistiti? Kaj storiti, da se prah ne bo več pojavljal?Takšna in podobna vprašanja so danes zelo pogosta. Na senzorju se namreč usede prah, ki lahko »poškoduje« fotografijo. Besedo poškoduje sem napisal med narekovaje, saj gre praviloma za manjše pike, ki se jih relativno enostavno odstrani s pomočjo programov (Photoshop,…


Uporaba zapisa RAW

Kaj sploh je zapis RAW? Poenostavljeno povedano gre za "surov" zapis tistega, kar je zajel senzor vašega fotoaparata. Fotoaparat zapiše sliko iz več milijonov podatkov, ki jih dobi od senzorja. Če je naš fotoaparat nastavljen tako, da nam naredi datoteko JPG, potem je to sliko naredil iz surovega zapisa. Pri tem je:- zmanjšal zapis iz…



Osnove o korekciji osvetlitve smo spoznali že v preteklih člankih. Danes pa si zadevo poglejmo malo bolj podrobno. Zakaj sploh uporabiti korekcijo osvetlitve? Če smo plačali več sto evrov za fotoaparat, lahko pričakujemo, da bo »delal dobre slike«? Žal ni povsem tako. Ogledali smo si že, kdaj fotoaparat običajno zgreši (in zakaj). Zagotovo bo do…


Canon 30D – review after two years of use

After two years of using Canon 30D I can write down some observations. What kind of photographer am I? Well - I use all photo equipment with care and I don’t shoot all what I see. And I don’t use shutter button like young boys behind computer games :-) and this result to 13.000 clicks…


Canon 70-200 f4 L IS review

Canon 70-200mm f4 L IS USM is a lightweight L Series telephoto zoom lens with Image Stabilizer. The optical Image Stabilization (IS) in the lens provides up to four stops of shake correction. The use of fluorite lens elements provides excellent optical performance in terms of resolution and contrast.In many reviews we can read about…