Toyota RAV4 Hybrid AWD – mnenje po nekaj mesecih

Po nekaj letih je prišel čas za menjavo avtomobila. Mazda CX-5 (test na blogu) je odslužila svoje poslanstvo, ker pa so vtisi še v glavi, jo bom v zapisu večkrat omenil.Glede na to, da imam precej dolg seznam zahtev in želja, je izbor potencialnih avtomobilov precej omejen. Le nekaj jih izpolnjuje kriterije. Po daljšem obračanju…


Double Tap Caps Lock: The Hidden Power of Android Keyboard

Caps Lock - Android Keyboard Where is Caps Lock on the phone? Usually, the isn't a caps lock button on the phone. The trusty Shift key is your go-to for uppercase on Android, but did you know it hides a secret superpower? With a double-tap, you can activate temporary caps lock, saving you time and…


Slovenska sinteza govora eBralec

Včeraj me je na Facebooku Matjaž Intihar (njegovi spletni strani sta recimo Fotografija in potovanja in eFotografija) prosil, če lahko s pomočjo slovenske sinteze govora eBralec pripravim zvočni posnetek kratkega besedila. Gre za naslednje besedilo, ki je nastalo s pomočjo umetne inteligence, zato se v vsebino ne bom spuščal:Geysir na Islandiji je čarobna geotermalna lokacija…


Productivity: My Essential Everyday Software

I've been in IT for over 35 years. Quite often people ask me to suggest an application for different intentions. You can believe that I have tried a lot of different programs over the years. But there are a few that I keep coming back to because they're the best at what they do and…


Trade Republic: The Best Broker for European Investors?

Disclaimer (October 2023): I am not a financial advisor. The information I provide here is for general educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Please do your own research before making any financial decisions. Trade Republic is a mobile-first broker that offers commission-free financial services (stock, ETF, and crypto). Trade Republic…