Facebook Messenger and Android Marshmellow

Some early birds, enthusiasts and lucky people already use Android Marshmellow. As always when a new release of such a large project as OS is, we find at least some bugs or problems.Users of Facebook Messenger application discovered that there are no chat heads anymore on the screen when they get a message. What is wrong?…


Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update

One of the most annoying "feature" on Windows 10 is Automatic Updates. Really. There are sometimes bad updates that mess up your operating system. Some updates require you to reboot the computer, Many users get an unstable graphics driver which causes problems. Patch causes PC to crash repeatedly. Maybe you don't have enough internet data...And…


Stop Autoplaying HTML5 Videos

HTML5 introduced an element for the playback of videos. One of the features is the ability to make the video autoplay when the webpage is loaded.Here is an example of the code:<video controls autoplay>  <source src="kacnje.mp4" type="video/mp4">  <source src="kacnje.ogg" type="video/ogg">  Sorry - your browser does not support the video tag.</video>But autoplay is a bad idea…

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Pekoča omaka iz čilijev in česna – Tunški tojfl

Da kar takoj razčistimo - v kuhinji imam dve levi roki, pa še kakšno leseno zraven. Sem in tja kakšno stvar vseeno preizkusim in kdaj celo kaj uspe. Prejšnji teden mi je recimo uspelo skuhati makarone tako, da je bil še mulc zadovoljen. No, omako si je pripravil sam :-) Torej ni tako slabo.Šalo na…


Why Sygic GPS navigation isn’t my choice

I love to drive away from jammed roads. Even if I have a good orientation and know how to check old maps on paper or ask a local people, I’m an IT guy who likes to drive with GPS navigations. It is very handy and I don’t have to stop on every crossroad.After almost a…


Izlet v Nemčijo (Europa-Park)

Ideja o obisku zabaviščnega parka Europa-park je padla lani, ko smo bili na izletu na Bavarskem. Med prospekti, ki smo jih nekje našli, je bil tudi prospekt za Europa-park. Europa-park (nekateri pišejo tudi Europapark ali Europa Park) je ogromen zabaviščni park v Rustu v Nemčiji. Rust je sicer majhno mestece na meji s Francijo (tik…


Install Windows 10 without Microsoft account

Microsoft simply doesn't have luck with user interfaces in the last years. They tried with big change in Windows 8 and users reject it. Then they take a step back and prepare Windows 8.1 with some important changes, but the majority of users are still against them.We expect Windows 10 to launch in late 2015.Windows…

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