(VAG) RNS 510 Navigation and TMC

After many years of using navigations on smartphones, I got an opportunity to use some radio/navigation system built in car. In today’s review I will introduce RNS 510 – it is touch screen radio/navigation system offered primary in VAG concern (VW, Škoda, Seat …). One of the first things to check when you are interested…


Uvoz datoteke z radarji na VW RNS 510 in uvoz osebnih POI točk (PersonalPOI)

Avtoradio VW RNS 510 vključuje tudi navigacijo. Sam po sebi ne ponuja uvoza radarjev, vendar pa lahko lokacije radarjev prikaže preko osebnih POI točk (Personal POI, Custom POI). Pripravil sem datoteko z radarji (Radarji-avgust2016.db3), ki si jo lahko prenesete na računalnik.V njej so podatki o lokacijah radarjev in drugih "pasti" za področje Slovenije, Avstrije, Nemčije,…


Toyota Prius Hibrid 2016

Toyota Prius Deset let je minilo od mojega prvega srečanja s Priusom in v tem času je Prius iz eksotičnega avtomobila za ekofanatike postal avto, ki na prvi pogled ne izstopa več veliko iz povprečja. Zunanjost je sicer še atraktivna, vseeno pa ni preveč agresivna. Prav tako Prius ni več tako redko viden na naših cestah,…


GPS road navigation – TomTom GO Mobile

Two years ago I wrote a short TomTom Europe review. It is time to check what has changed in this application and how it looks now. You can download an application from Google Play and it is freemium model. If you don't buy a premium version with in-app purchase, it offers 70 km free per…


Volkswagen Passat TDI 4motion DSG

Po dobrem desetletju zvestobe Subaruju, sem spomladi spet prestopil v klub voznikov Volkswagnovih vozil. Ker sem bil pred leti s svojim Volkswagnom (Golfom 4motion) zadovoljen, je to zagotovo pomagalo pri odločitvi.Subaruji so mi vrsto let dobro služili in jih lahko le pohvalim. Zato sem ob tokratni menjavi avtomobila najprej iskal Subaruja. Žal pa me je…


Facebook Messenger and Android Marshmellow

Some early birds, enthusiasts and lucky people already use Android Marshmellow. As always when a new release of such a large project as OS is, we find at least some bugs or problems.Users of Facebook Messenger application discovered that there are no chat heads anymore on the screen when they get a message. What is wrong?…


Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update

One of the most annoying "feature" on Windows 10 is Automatic Updates. Really. There are sometimes bad updates that mess up your operating system. Some updates require you to reboot the computer, Many users get an unstable graphics driver which causes problems. Patch causes PC to crash repeatedly. Maybe you don't have enough internet data...And…


Stop Autoplaying HTML5 Videos

HTML5 introduced an element for the playback of videos. One of the features is the ability to make the video autoplay when the webpage is loaded.Here is an example of the code:<video controls autoplay>  <source src="kacnje.mp4" type="video/mp4">  <source src="kacnje.ogg" type="video/ogg">  Sorry - your browser does not support the video tag.</video>But autoplay is a bad idea…

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