Android Auto – annoying issues and awkwardness

I’m using Android Auto almost from its beginning. Until a few weeks ago Android Auto was only my phone, but now I’m using it also on my new RCD330 (click for review). I often get questions about how Android Auto works, how to install it... Android Auto is a simple application that can be installed…


Primerjava stroškov električnega in dizelskega avtomobila

V naslednjih vrsticah bom poskusil narediti primerjavo stroškov dveh avtomobilov. Če jih pogledate na slikah, sta nekako simbolični že njuni barvi: beli je prijateljev električni Hyundai Ioniq, črni pa moj Volkswagen Passat 4motion DSG. Naj že vnaprej opozorim, da članek ne bo primeren za pikolovce in nergače, konstruktivne pripombe pa so vsekakor zaželene.Stroške je zelo težko…


Enable VoLTE and VoWifi on OnePlus 5

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) delivers voice calls over the internet. It is a digital packet voice service with many benefits for mobile operators and consumers. Here are three main benefits for consumers: - supports higher quality calls - connects calls much faster (lower latency) - improved battery life. You can use VoLTE only if your…


Izotov fotografski kotiček

Čisto na kratko. Pred  kratkim sem pripravil spletno stran in jo opremil z nekaterimi svojimi fotografijami. Gre za izbor, ki je bil čisto stvar navdiha v urah, ko sem sedel za računalnikom. Morda bodo komu fotografije všeč, lahko pa, da gre za popoln strel v prazno. Nič hudega, fotografiram predvsem za lastni užitek :-) Če…


Google Maps’ AR (augmented reality) navigation

Google Maps AR shows where to turn leftGoogle Maps (check my review) is the most used navigation software and users constantly expect improvements and new features. In last weeks some of the Google Local Guides get a new feature in Google Maps - AR (Augmented reality) navigation. Augmented reality isn't available to everyone.But when this…


Akumulatorska kosilnica Husqvarna LC 347VLi

NOVOSpodnje besedilo lahko tudi poslušate. Besedilo je prebral sintetizator govora eBralec. Vam je všeč možnost poslušanja?Če ne vidite zvočnih kontrol, potem verjetno vaš brskalnik ne podpira teh elementov. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element . V Sloveniji pogosto pogrešam možnost temeljitega osebnega testiranja izdelkov. Z branjem prodajnih…


Ubuntu stuck at initializing screen (VirtualBox)

Suddenly, my Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox stuck at initializing screen (just before login). How to deal with this?There can be a lot of causes for this. But one of the most common problem is insufficient video memory allocated for a virtual machine.How can we check if this is our issue? Let's check the error…